“His Eye Is on the Sparrow” Just like this old gospel hymn reminds us, the LORD is with us as those shadows cross our paths. You’re not alone….
When I was a kid, each night in my pink canopy bed, I would pray out loud to GOD and start talking about various things I was thankful for … thanking Him that I had a bed to sleep in, thanking Him for food to eat and clothes to wear, thanking Him that I felt safe where I lived, thanking Him for a mailing address to get mail, thanking Him for a Mother and Dad who loved me, thanking Him for warm water, thanking Him for my own room, etc.
So, right now, as this time unfolds, start naming things you’re thankful for (Ephesians 5:20), and then, put your trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5,6). He’ll guide you.
#GodCares #ThroughItAll