Today, I had a great late-lunch with one of my high school friends! As we talked and gabbed, our minds began to go back in time to the night of June 18, 2002.

Laughingly she said, “Patti, you eat like a bird. You are so little!”

“A lot of people tell me that! But,” I said, “since the wreck, I eat SO slow…I can’t eat very much anymore…the wreck took it away from me.”

“Oooooo and what a price you paid for that diet!” 🙂 “Nobody wants to pay that!”

“Uhmmmm…how right you are! Part of my body is on Hwy 69… Nobody wants to pay that kind of a price to get skinny!”

To which she added, “Yeah, Girl! You were cruising down 69, and the next thing you knew, you were flying out of the Tahoe and onto the highway…they said you swirled around on your head across 69!”

“No way!”

“Yeah, they said your head was huge!”

“What?” I said. And then, into my little brain, came this new nickname – “I guess you can just call me 69 Swirl Girl!” 🙂

The tension was broken and a good laugh was had! …then, in no time at all, we started talking about all the miraculous ways God showed-off and made His Name glorious through this wreck!


Ya know, as I’m writing this, a verse in Genesis is coming to my mind: You intended it to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done – the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20, NIV).