About Patti Foster

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So far Patti Foster has created 640 blog entries.

What Season Is It in Your Life?

Take a Calgon Moment in this Truth and see what God says to you...See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land (Songs of Solomon 2:11,12; NIV).After you've spent some time soaking in the river [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:13-05:00March 21st, 2008|M.A.D. Now!|Comments Off on What Season Is It in Your Life?

It’s Smile-Time :)

Today, wherever you are, do something that'll make somebody smile! :)...it might be a bag of Peanut M&Ms (scrumptious-deliumptious!) or a grin, a chuckle, a high-five, a touch, a hug, a kind word, a kind deed, a surprise visit, a much-needed phone call...Whatever it may be, give a SMILE to someone's heart, today! :)

By |2016-06-09T16:40:14-05:00March 15th, 2008|M.A.D. Now!|Comments Off on It’s Smile-Time :)

Giving Thanks

I've always been a "deep thinker," but since the accident..... ah gee-willikers, much more so now! I love to dive into something deep and have to think about it! So, put on your scuba gear...this one's going to take you under.Here's a Henri Nouwen quote that Brennan Manning feautured in his book, Ruthless Trust. Nouwen wrote: [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:16-05:00March 15th, 2008|Patti's Brain Waves|Comments Off on Giving Thanks

Happiness and Sorrow

When's the last time you accepted a blessing from the hand of God? Ahhh, good on ya!  How 'bout sorrow or gut-wrenching stuff...when's the last time you accepted something like this from the hand of God? OUCH! That hits home, eh? Well, stay with me... How do you think Job would respond to this? What would he [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:18-05:00March 15th, 2008|Patti's Brain Waves|Comments Off on Happiness and Sorrow


In his book Ruthless Trust, Brennan Manning says this: Unwavering trust is a rare and precious thing because it often demands a degree of courage that borders on the heroic...It requires heroic courage to trust in the love of God no matter what happens to us. Hmmmm...soak awhile with God in this one; listen to what [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:19-05:00March 11th, 2008|Patti's Brain Waves|Comments Off on Trust…..

Where In The World Is Patti?

* March 8 - LIFE meeting; Corsicana, TX* March 9 - Emmanuel Baptist Church; Corsicana, TX * April 5 - Crossroads Community Church; Longview, TX * April 8 - Pine Springs Baptist Church; Tyler, TX* April 17 - East Texas Authors’ Forum; Jacksonville, TX* April 19-23 - GMA (Gospel Music Association); Nashville, TN* April 19 - Speak [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:21-05:00March 5th, 2008|Keepin' Up with Patti|Comments Off on Where In The World Is Patti?

It’s Time to Soak!

Soak in this Truth: Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law (Romans 13:8, NIV).Hmmm...loving people you get along with is not so tough, right? But the people who press your button and set you off, ah those so-called "enemies of [...]

By |2016-11-01T10:08:52-05:00March 3rd, 2008|M.A.D. Now!|Comments Off on It’s Time to Soak!

Humility or Pride…Which Will You Choose?

Hmmmm...Pride seems to be ruling and gripping the lives of SO many of God's children in the world today! The evil one is delighting perniciously in the dastardly every day, subtle and not-so subtle, manipulation of his most prized family member, Pride.I URGE you STRONGLY to face-off Pride with Humility! 1 Peter 5:7 says: Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:24-05:00February 29th, 2008|Patti's Brain Waves|Comments Off on Humility or Pride…Which Will You Choose?

Where In The World Is Patti?

* February 28 - BIR; Dallas, TX  * April 5 - Crossroads Community Church; Longview, TX  * April 17 - East Texas Authors’ Forum; Jacksonville, TX * April 19-23 - GMA (Gospel Music Association); Nashville, TN * April 19 - Speak @ Dinner for Women in Radio; GMA;Nashville, TN * June 12 - Guest on [...]

By |2016-06-09T16:40:25-05:00February 29th, 2008|Keepin' Up with Patti|Comments Off on Where In The World Is Patti?

Where In The World Is Patti?

* February 28 - BIR; Dallas, TX * April 5 - Crossroads Community Church; Longview, TX * April 17 - East Texas Authors’ Forum; Jacksonville, TX* April 19-23 - GMA (Gospel Music Association); Nashville, TN* April 19 - Speak @ Dinner for Women in Radio; GMA;Nashville, TN* June 12 - Guest on 100 Huntley Street; filmed in [...]

By |2016-11-01T10:08:52-05:00February 26th, 2008|Keepin' Up with Patti|Comments Off on Where In The World Is Patti?
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