Make a Way
Meet people where they are...go out of your way and into their way and Make A Difference Now! While you have the opportunity, Seize the Moment and Make A Difference Now!!!! :)
Meet people where they are...go out of your way and into their way and Make A Difference Now! While you have the opportunity, Seize the Moment and Make A Difference Now!!!! :)
Today is the firtst day of the rest of your life. Live it on-purpose and... LIVE INTENTIONALLY!!!Ps 90:12 - Teach us to number our days aright, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.
Learn to Listen to the Voice of God.....if this is a little "out of the box" for you, that's alright.... step out and have a go at following The Leader.....He'll take care of you! Isaiah said, Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is [...]
Today, while you have this day, live it to the every moment...don't put it off...LIVE!!!Ralph Waldo Emerson said, We are always getting ready to live, but never live.The writer of Psalm 95 said, Today, of you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. Let God LIVE OUTRAGEOUSLY through YOU!!!!!
Mt 5:14 says "You are the light of the world"When's the last time you let the light of the Lord shine out of your life (like Natalie Grant sings) and dispel (to scatter or drive away) the darkness around you?The time has come to Make A Difference Now!!! :) ...I'm cheering you on!!!! :)
Paul wrote a Letter of Encouragement to the about you, who have you written a Letter of Encouragement too, lately?
God leans toward His people....He hears His children's cry. I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry. ~Psalm 40:1 NIV
From my heart to YOUR heart... MERRY CHRISTMAS and BLESSED NEW YEAR!!!! Follow God
* Jan 25 - People's Church, Jacksonville * Jan 25 - Kiwanis, Jacksonville * Feb 8 - Kiwanis, Jacksonville (rescheduled)* Feb 11 - Pine Street Baptist Church, Winnsboro* Feb 24 - Friends of Hope (BIR) at FBC, Dallas* Feb 28 - Harvest Christian School, Ft. Worth * Mar 7 - Harverst Christian School, Ft. Worth * Mar 9-11 - [...]
Choose today to Make A Difference Now! in this New Year! Let God be the Leader, and you follow Him! Walk on! :)