3 Cheers Are In Order!!!
After almost 10 years, my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) book will be available soon! Yes, indeedy, that IS what I said, “Soon!” Target date is: November, 2012. (YES, Lord!!!)
Soon and very soon, my publisher, BookJolt (a new publisher on the cutting edge of digital technology), will have my book finished and ready to be read by the masses…(or something like that!), both paperback and eBook!
The title you ask? Coping with Traumatic Brain Injury: One Woman’s Journey from Death to Life.
Basically, it’ll be: 10 chapters with 10 pages each and black & white photos in the middle section. Oh, and might I add…one of my dear friends – who is QUITE the Pro at designing book covers (and designing anything, for that matter), has given me the honor of designing my book cover!
You can imagine, it’s most definitely a challenging feat to come alongside any of us head-trauma people and attempt to “communicate” something about our saga! So, THANK YOU to everyone who has loved me and helped me along this journey!! You are VERY dear to my heart!!!
Please be watching my web site…and the book-seller near you!