One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)
This is fresh on my mind because I’ve just witnessed this “reliable vs. unreliable” friend-thing lived out before my very eyes!
A great, college fellow, who’s a strong believer with lots of integrity, just found out a couple of days ago that his highly-respected and much-loved grandfather had died while at Hospice.
In no time at all, word had spread and a number of his other college friends had packed their bags and come-in from out-of-town to be by his side and give him some support. They had gone out of their way for him because they cared.
Wow, that’s what I call some reliable friends!
8-12 I must begin by telling you how I thank God through Jesus Christ for you all, since the news of your faith has become known everywhere. Before God, whom I serve with all my heart in the Gospel of his Son, I assure you that you are always in my prayers. I am longing to see you: I want to bring you some spiritual strength, and that will mean that I shall be strengthened by you, each of us helped by the other’s faith. (Romans 1:11,12; J.B.Phillips Translation)