In her book, Plenty for Everyone, Corrie ten Boom writes, Denying ourselves, taking up our crosses, and following Jesus is not like jumping from an aeroplane towards earth with parachutes on our backs. It means being safe in the hands of Jesus, yoke-fellows with Him; His joy in us, and our joy fulfilled. Paratroopers for Jesus must trust Him. Our commission is to bring the Gospel of plenty to the whole world; for which Jesus has promised us His Holy Spirit and His power to do the work (Acts 1:8).
She goes on to say, We are really strong when we are weak; weak when we are strong. A branch cannot bring forth fruit of itself, but, however strong or weak it may be, it will bring forth much fruit if it is connected to the Vine. When it is connected, the branch is given the nature of the Vine.
Stay with God!
Awesome! Good on ya, thanks for stopping by! ~Patti 🙂