Our Lighthouse
sky afternoon
sky afternoon
Anybody ever watched Anne of Green Gables? I love that story! What spunk she had!! :) Well, in one of the episodes, around the time when Anne Shirley has grown up into a young lady and moved to New York City, she meets a writer by the name of Jack Garrison. In a difficult time, he says [...]
Since the wreck, I've lived with a strong sense of urgency. Nothing is taken for granted,,,that's why my motto for living is so dear to me - M.A.D. Now! (Make A Difference Now!). Say, how do you give to others? To the Lord? To yourself? Please read this insight, written by a pastor-friend of mine who recently moved to [...]
Here's a GOD-Neat devotional-truth that one of my friends, who's a pastor in the Northeast, recently wrote -- "THE FOCUS" One Saturday morning I was teaching a men's Bible study and one of the men in the group, a new believer in Christ, raised his hand and asked, "Can you explain this 'grace' [...]
Jump into your thought-world with me...your idea-world, your vision-world... You know how it is - sometimes in life, things stand out to us like nothing else. Throughout our days, they keep coming back to our mind, over and over. Well, sometime ago, this life-attitude stuck to my head-trauma mind; so I decided to scribble it down before it escaped me. As you breathe your next [...]
Today, as I write this Journal Blog, it is the official 10-Year Remembrance Day of 9/11. Dedications have touched lives. Memorials have stilled time. And stories will continue to be told of how 9/11 has been forever etched on our hearts and minds. Like the majority of you, I've watched footage clips being replayed of that catastrophic morning and seen the bellowing smoke and rubble spewing out of [...]
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. (Luke 18:1; NIV) And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. (Luke 18:1; KJV) When things start weighing on us, how do [...]
N0w choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God , listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life, and He will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and [...]
“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” (Ps 95:7,8 and Hebrews 4:7). As I have been writing my full head-trauma book, with my editor in Cincinnati, I continue to learn more and more about the wreck and things that happened before and after it. The other day, I was looking through one of [...]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of you August-Birthday Celebraters!!! :) Tonight, as I was "Googling" birthday quotes - some by Corrie ten Boom and others by Charles Schulz, creator of PEANUTS, I came up on these so-called "Famous Birthday Quotes" ... you'll have to check 'em out and see which one you like the best. (I'm kinda drawn to the [...]